Brittani Lost Almost 70 Pounds And Got Her Energy Back
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Brittani Lost Almost 70 Pounds And Got Her Energy Back

I started Keto 2 years ago after becoming tired of being tired and wanting to keep up with my energetic daughter. I lost about 35 pounds in ...

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I started Keto 2 years ago after becoming tired of being tired and wanting to keep up with my energetic daughter. I lost about 35 pounds in 6 months before becoming pregnant with my “keto baby” and gaining it all back. In January I started Keto again after having my second daughter.

I lost 67 lbs in just under a year and I have so much more energy and focus. I started working out 3x a week which is something I never had the energy for before Keto, especially with 2 small kids at home.

Keto has completely changed my view of eating and I feel that keeping Keto simple (a protein and low carb veggie) and finding some keto recipes for old favorites has made this a complete lifestyle change for me and I never want to go back to the way I ate before!

1. What tactics did you employ to help you get to your goal? What did you find helped you get to your goals best?

The Keto macro calculator on your website was super helpful at the beginning when I had no idea how I should be eating except less than 20 carbs. I also used MyFitnessPal to help me track at the beginning and it helped me understand portions and macros better.

2. What is the most impactful change you’ve made to your diet and why do you feel it’s been the most important?

Now I eat more whole foods. I do not eat processed and prepackaged food very often at all. Instead I opt for protein and low carb veggies. When I snack I pick dairy or nuts instead of reaching for something prepackaged and full of junk.

3. What is the best single piece of advice you can give to someone that is just starting out?

To stick with it and be consistent. The beginning is rough for a few days so hydrate and just keep going. Consistency is key also. The scale is not always going to move but your body is still going to be changing.

4. How do you feel your life is now that you’re at your goal?

I feel truly happy in my own skin for maybe the first time in my life. I feel strong and healthy.

5. What do you consider the biggest change in your day-to-day life?

The energy that I have daily is amazing. I am able to keep up with my very energetic and active 6 and 1 year old daughters. I am able to run around with them and play even after working all day.

6. What did you do to find support throughout your journey?

I found a lot of support on social media. I followed many keto Instagram accounts. Listening to and seeing other people along the same journey as me was super helpful. My family was also very supportive even if they are not necessarily eating keto along with me.

7. What do you currently do to manage your day-to-day diet?

I listen to my body now. I eat when I am hungry and keep track of carbs in my head. I usually can fast from dinner to lunch (besides coffee) but if I wake up hungry then I eat. Keto has taught me that listening to my body and its cues is very important.

8. What is your favorite keto recipe from that’s become a staple?

I love the lemony caper sauce salmon! So good!

9. If there is one thing that you could do differently during your journey, what would it be and why?

I would have started keto earlier! I have always struggled with my weight and it took me about 5 years to lose the weight from my first baby. For year we tried to have another baby and 6 months into my first go at keto I was pregnant!

The post Brittani Lost Almost 70 Pounds And Got Her Energy Back appeared first on Ruled Me.

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Brittani Lost Almost 70 Pounds And Got Her Energy Back
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