In March I went to for my annual checkup at the doctor. Up until then every time I had went, my Doctor always said Joe you are a big guy but...
In March I went to for my annual checkup at the doctor. Up until then every time I had went, my Doctor always said Joe you are a big guy but you are healthy. This time was different. I had crossed the 300-pound mark and my blood pressure had shot through the roof. She told me I would have to go on medication to control it. I asked her if there was anything else I could do and she said that I could eat 5 servings a day of fruit or lose weight. So, she wrote me a script for some blood pressure pills that I never took to the pharmacy and I jumped on the internet to find a diet.
I have tried many different diets with mixed results but I was never able to lose the amount of weight that I needed to or manage to keep it off for long. That day I found and my life changed completely. I could not believe what I was seeing. How could I eat all the delicious food that I love and still lose weight? I didn’t think it would work but I gave it a try anyway. My first month of keto diet I lost 18 pounds. In just 7 months I lost 110 pounds which is awesome and exciting but what is really awesome is that it has stayed off.
I tracked my weight loss and each meal that I ate using an app called my fitness pal. I started watching videos about the keto diet on Youtube. Listening to keto podcasts. Reading books about keto. When I had a craving for something I would check for a keto-friendly recipe. I was amazed that almost everything I wanted had a low carb replacement that still tasted amazing.
My favorite snack is the keto lemon poppy seed muffin. When I make dinner, I try to make enough so that I have leftovers for lunch the next day. It makes it a lot easier to eat something that is good for me. As time went on it got easier and easier. I don’t have to track my macros so closely anymore. I have a general idea of what I can and can’t eat to stay in ketosis. Keto isn’t a diet for me anymore. Keto is my way of eating.
The people I work with have been so amazed with my results that many of them have taken up a keto diet too. The first thing they ask me is how do I do it and get the results that you got? I always tell them the first thing to do is to go to a website called As I lost weight I found it easier and easier to become more active. I use to be a very active and love the outdoors but as I gained weight I did less and less. I am so happy that I have my life back and can now enjoy all the things that I use to enjoy doing. My work performance has improved too. I received a promotion in November that I had been trying to get for several years.
I just wish I would have known about the ketogenic diet sooner. I tried so many diets that didn’t work and always thought it was my lack of willpower. Now I understand that it wasn’t a lack of willpower it was what I was eating. I thought it was the right food because that was what I had been taught. “Fat makes you fat!” I truly am so thankful that I found Oh, and by the way, my blood pressure is at the low side of normal now.
The post Joseph Lost 110 Pounds in 7 Months appeared first on Ruled Me.
via Keto Diet