I started my Keto Journey in May of 2016. It was word of mouth through some of the girls I worked with after doing some of my own research I...
I started my Keto Journey in May of 2016. It was word of mouth through some of the girls I worked with after doing some of my own research I came across ruled.me and was able to calculate my macronutrients and also had a great guideline as to what foods were good to eat, and which were not so great.
I have lost 60lbs weighing in at 210 and am now down to 150. Keto helped save my life and is my forever lifestyle eating now. Keto on… #ketostrong.
1. What tactics did you employ to help you get to your goal? What did you find helped you get to your goals best?
When I first started I went through my entire kitchen and after researching I found what was considered keto and not, I then went shopping for some key ingredients like olive oil, coconut oil, Kerri gold Irish butter and a lot of different meats.
I also measured and weighed myself and started a journal which I actively maintained until I hit my maintain goal weight.
2. What is the most impactful change you’ve made to your diet and why do you feel it’s been the most important?
I have started eating a lot healthier, cleaner/ greener meals. Before I started keto I would eat pretty much anything and did not realize how much of an impact it made on my body, I have never done well with sugar so cutting it out almost completely other than natural sugars I almost instantly felt better.
3. What is the best single piece of advice you can give to someone that is just starting out?
When you’re starting out it is hard to stay on track so keeping a journal and also having a schedule on when to update your macros is important they say it’s not great to weigh yourself every day but once you’re in ketosis it’s really cool to get to see the weight drop off if you are doing it for weight loss. I would say to stay organized and keep reminding yourself that no one is perfect and it takes time to reach your goals.
4. How do you feel your life is now that you’re at your goal?
I am so happy to have been able to stick to keto and reach my goal weight it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders… literally. However, it is a lifestyle and in order to maintain I will still have to be strict that can be a task but when I started keto I went into it headstrong and I think that is the only way to succeed when you want something bad enough. I have been much happier and content because I feel better about myself and that is the most I could’ve hoped for because self hate and discontent is no way to live your life.
5. What do you consider the biggest change in your day-to-day life?
I strive to maintain eating healthy so going out to eat and even deciding what to snack on can be difficult. There are so many options to choose from but sometimes when you’re in a pinch it’s like don’t eat or eat something crappy and unhealthy. I enjoy fasting, something that I couldn’t do before I started keto because my blood sugars were horrible, but coming to terms that every day is a keto day and accepting that and not cheating myself was a big change for me.
6. What did you do to find support throughout your journey?
Facebook groups are super awesome because some people are like keto everything and some people are not so exuberant but it’s nice to have the 50/50 because it motivates you in a different way. I’m not saying this because it’s a contest but ruledme is a wonderful site I have had multiple people ask me how I started keto and what I do and how to figure out macronutrients and this site is always one of the top that I tell people from recipes to food categories that are keto friendly to calculating your macros it is really supportive and I can’t even explain how much it has helped me with my ketoing.
7. What do you currently do to manage your day-to-day diet?
I have never been a meal prepper, I’m almost a full blooded Italian so coming home from work and being in the kitchen is a pretty normal thing for me. Usually I stock up on items that I know I can make multiple dishes with and that way I can come home and make something in a pinch or I can make a really heartfelt intricate dinner or lunch. I enjoy intermediate fasting through the day with coffee or tea and water but I always try to bring a low carb snack along with me so that I am prepared in case of emergencies.
8. What is your favorite keto recipe from www.ruled.me that’s become a staple?
Anything with spaghetti squash haha I’ve done multiple spin offs with it, hamburger boats! I never had it before I started keto and since then I’ve never looked back. Haha it is so good it’s crazy I can’t believe I was missing out for so long
9. If there is one thing that you could do differently during your journey, what would it be and why?
When I reached my goal I fell off the wagon a little bit the holiday we’re coming up and there was a lot going on but I want to stay healthy and lead a lifestyle where I know I’m putting the best into my body because it’s the only one I have. I think that I will try if I get like that again to try and make sure that I twist something into a keto friendly meal or dessert instead of saying okay just this once because it doesn’t work that way for me anymore and I’m content staying keto for the rest of my life! #loveketo #ketostrong #thanksruledme!
The post Jordan Has Lost 60 Pounds On Keto appeared first on Ruled Me.
via Keto Diet